

Graphs provide a straightforward method to illustrate your data. An initial graph will be automatically generated for you, and you have the flexibility to modify it to the graph that best aligns with your needs. 

Build a Specific Graph

Athenic delivers dynamic visualizations that suit your data, offering a variety of graph types such as line, bar, scatter, pie, and cohort retention heat maps. Explore the details below to understand each graph style better.

Line Graph
This type of graph is usually used to view trends over time. For this, you need to ask a question where time is one of the parameters. For example, "Show me the month over month growth in sales for 2022." This will map the months on the x-axis and profit on the y-axis.

Bar Graph
Bar graphs are best for comparing the size, frequency or amount of different categories. Your question could be "What are the total profits from each customer in 2023?" Here, departments would go on the y-axis and sales figures on the x-axis.

Scatter Graph
Scatter plots show the relationship between two sets of data points. A relevant question could be "Show me the total revenue and number of total employees for each company." By mapping employee's age on the x-axis and productivity on the y-axis.

Pie Chart
These are used to compare parts of a whole. Ask a question like "What percentage of the sales does each department receive?" This data will then be represented as segments of the circle, with each segment corresponding to a department.

Cohort Retention Heatmap
This kind of graph is used to track activities of a group of users over a period. Ask a question like "Show me events for each user per time period", which gives you two columns- number of events per user and timestamps. For questions related to cohort retention heatmaps, it's important that the data can be broken down into time intervals and categories of users or groups.
For an in depth use case you can check out this blog.

Forecast Graph
The forecast button is used to generate a confidence interval displaying likely future values by utilizing exponential smoothing functions. To generate this graph, you will need a column with values and a column with date/times. This would be used with questions such as: "Show me sales by month for 2023?" or "How many new users per day did we have in 2022?".

Viewing Graphs on Dashboard
To keep your graphs accessible, click the save button to add them to your selected dashboard.

Graphs are captured and saved exactly as they appear at the time the query is made. Should there be any updates or modifications to the data you've uploaded, simply rejuvenate your graphs by selecting the 'Refresh Data' button located at the top right corner of your dashboard.

Potential Issues
If you change your underlying data format, your graph may not be able to refresh. In that case you will see an error like below. You will have to re-ask and add this question to your dashboard.