
Data Preparation

After you've configured a data source, proceed to data preparation:

Data Table Selection

  • Start by identifying and selecting the data table(s) you wish to analyze. You can select any table under the raw tables tab. Ensure the table selected aligns with the scope of your queries. You can ignore any irrelevant tables.

Column Curation

  • Within each table, carefully review and pick out columns that are directly related to the questions you intend to ask.
  • You may select up to 15 columns. We recommend keeping it minimal to avoid clutter and maintain focus on relevant data points.

Repeat: Continue the process of selecting tables and refining columns iteratively. With each iteration, refine your data selection for relevance and precision, which is instrumental in building an efficient dataset for querying.

Advanced Data Manipulation:

  • For users comfortable with SQL commands to join tables, clean data, and perform complex manipulations. You can apply this feature to handle large datasets when you require detailed analytical functions, suitable for those with expertise in data analysis.